One thing I have found since being in Texas, is there really are NO gluten-free bread products. I have been to 3 different grocery stores here: Randalls (a Safeway company), HEB, and Super Walmart.
In Calgary my Safeway has 2 different freezers to find bread products. I can get various Gluten-Free breads, muffins, and pizza crusts from Kinnikinnick. I also have another freezer where I can find GLUTINO products-breads, bagels, and pizza crusts. I can also get gluten-free frozen waffles from a company called Lifestream.
Here, in Texas. I find none of these options, or anything else gluten free.
I have even asked at these stores if they have anything. All, I get is a blank look of “What is gluten free?” It surprises me that there is nothing available to people with celiac’s disease. Well-here in Woodlands, Texas I have not found anything.
With 1 out of 100 people suffering with celiacs-I am not sure what most Americans do.
Now, the one thing they do have here though is gluten free Chex cereal. 2 kinds are available: rice and corn. Both are labeled gluten-free and are really good.
I have enjoyed eating cereal every morning while being here. I will miss my morning treat… as Chex is NOT available in Canada.